Here are five interesting things:

  1. The Seattle Chapter of ASIS&T posted a video of a talk by Andrew Szydlowski of Serials Solutions speaking to University of Washington students about his career trajectory from traditional library to technology metadata wrangler. Really interesting information for students of all kinds, as well as librarians wondering about the corporate side of librarianship at a cool company. Advice: take a project management course…
  2. Check out these Thanksgiving themed films from the archives at NARA. My favorite – U.S. Navy cooks preparing turkeys as if they are Julia Child.
  3. Don’t taxonomists love lists? Alice Redmond-Neal writes an insightful post on how taxonomists can leverage their love of lists into actionable knowledge and touches on SEO, tagging, metrics and integration.
  4. Did you know that Serials Solutions (a ProQuest company) posts informational webinars? Even if you do not use their products specifically, these webinars touch on major points in discovery services, customization of products for libraries, usage statistics and reporting. Free!
  5. From Caro Pinto at In the Library With the Lead Pipe, a post on designing the future of libraries.

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